What To Expect In A Physiotherapy Assessment

What can you expect when coming in for an assessment with a physical therapist at Therapy X? We get asked this question A LOT, so we decided to create a blog about it.

Before Arrival

We offer direct billing!

After booking your appointment, before you arrive, an online intake and consent form will be sent to your e-mail. In this form, you will be able to let your physiotherapist know the area of concern you are coming in for, and if you would like us to direct bill for you. You heard us! We offer direct billing (Hallelujah!!) so no money has to leave your pocket. You won’t have to deal with the annoyance of having to claim the session yourself as the only concern we want you to have is to focus on getting better. With this information we’ll already have an idea of what you’re coming in for so we’ll be mentally prepared for your session even before you step through our doors. We pride ourselves on providing service of the utmost quality to our clients as each one of you is not just another face, but an active participating team player in your prehab/rehab journey.

History taking

History taking is vital to the success of your rehab.

We always begin by having a conversation about why you’ve come in and have you describe your symptoms and the challenges you are facing. We’ll want to know about your history (past injuries, sports (past and present), job duties, etc). We cannot stress enough how important history taking is in your assessment. This allows us to understand the trajectory of events so we get a clear picture on how you got to where you are sitting in front of us, today. If you’ve ever seen a healthcare practitioner who just got you to lay down on the treatment table without much of an assessment (subjective or objective) and began treating you right away, this should raise a red flag for you. Without a proper thorough assessment, only your symptoms are being treated at best. At Therapy X, we focus on digging deep to find the ROOT CAUSE of the pain and dysfunction you’re experiencing so we can fix your issue rather than simply putting a bandaid on it. Lastly, we will want to know what your goals are for coming in so we can help you get to where you want to be. An end goal may be very different from person to person, so clear communication is necessary! All this will set us up for success in your tailored treatment plan as it allows us to create a meaningful goal together so we have a clear target to work towards.

Physical Assessment

This part of your assessment either rules in or rules out hypotheses we have come up with after history taking.

Next, we move on the objective assessment. This part of your appointment involves us asking you to move in certain ways and perform appropriate tests while asking for feedback throughout on what you’re feeling. This part of your assessment either rules in or rules out hypotheses we have already come up with after taking your history from the step before as to the cause of your pain or dysfunction. After all these tests, we land on a diagnosis in which we will discuss in detail together with you and answer any questions you may have.


Setting a clear and focused goal will decrease the number of visits needed while targeting the root cause of your pain.

The final part of the session is dedicated to treatment with the time we have left. Your Physio will discuss the treatment options recommended and available to you. It cannot be stressed enough how vital the history taking and objective part of your assessment is. We get it, clients usually want to come in and maximize the time spent on the treatment portion. However, we repeat, setting a clear and focused goal will decrease the number of visits needed while targeting the root cause of your pain.

More questions? Click here to learn more about Therapy X, or Contact us!

No doctor referral needed to see a Physiotherapist.

We hope this blog answers some questions you may have had prior to coming in for an assessment. The main takeaway is that a thorough assessment is extremely important to figure out where your pain and dysfunction is truly coming from. It’s also worth noting that you do not need a doctor’s referral to see a Physio, you can refer yourself. If you have any questions, we encourage you to reach out to us and we’d be more than happy to answer them. Head over to the contact section for our info. We look forward to seeing you in the clinic!

With care,

Therapy X Collective